Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Simple Joys

After a school year full of about 35-40 students, 50+ IEP meetings, and 3-hour evening classes 2 nights a week, I'd say I've earned a nice, long summer break, with time for big, exciting adventures....Except that it's usually the smallest, simplest things that are the ones I look forward to most about summer.
Most people take some big vacation over the summer, or study abroad, or minister to naked orphans in some impoverished third world country (not that that's a bad thing! Quite the opposite, really). However, I am just looking forward to things like:

-sleeping in, drinking coffee, and watching the Today Show in my pajamas
-going for a run at 10 or 11 am on a weekday
-watching day time TLC, MTV, HGTV, and Style networks while doing my nails
-reading! for FUN!!
-spending lazy days on the beach in Oxnard watching my honey surf (if the surf would actually get good one of these days)
-wandering around B & N
-really, really cleaning my bathroom (seriously-I barely have time to clean it at all during the school year)
-Martha Stewarting: scrapbooking, sewing, and folding fitted sheets correctly
-COOKING!! Rachael Ray, I miss you!!
-wearing shorts-real shorts, not just bermudas-for the first summer in YEARS!
-spending hours and money in teacher supply stores
-seeing my hot boyfriend more than once a week!!
-Dodger games, No Doubt concert, and maybe some really bad local theater productions

All of those things make me sigh in contentment. I'm already relaxed.

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