Friday, June 11, 2010


I have this new route I've been running the last few Saturdays. It's right along Pacific Coast Highway, and I have a front-row, unobstructed view of the Pacific Ocean every step of my 6 mile round trip.

A couple weeks ago, I was jogging along around mile 4-ish, and getting a little tired. I thought, "3 years ago, I couldn't run this distance at all. I couldn't even run 1 mile. I wouldn't have even been able to walk for 6 miles straight." Then, it hit me that that was a cop out. Three years ago, I could have walked that distance, maybe even run a good bit of it, I just didn't know I could. I didn't know then that I was capable of pushing myself physically, that I was capable of 5K's, and 10K's, and not one but two half marathons (and more to come). I didn't know, because I'd never tried, and I had been scared.

Whoa. That was a revelation. Then God hit me with the bigger part of that: What am I not doing now because I don't think I'm able to do it, and just don't know that I actually can? I still haven't figured out the answer to that. What do I "just not know I can" do now? What am I scared of failing at now? What's outside my comfort zone, because it takes work, and sweat, and some pain, that really is possible?

Those are some questions I might be sitting on for a little while. I do know that this little revelation has given me the energy to keep runnning when I just want to stop on that gorgeous running route I mentioned earlier. "You're capable of more" keeps echoing in my head; when my voice says it, I'm talking about running. When God's voice says it, though, I have a feeling it means much, much more.


  1. Hey Connie! I'm glad to see you've updated! :) Thank you so much for your encouraging words you've left on my blog. It really means a lot to hear someone who has been where I am give me such uplifting words. I love any encouragement, don't get me wrong, it just has a little extra credit coming from someone who's walked in m shoes, ya know? Anyway, all of that to say -- Thank you!!! :)

    And I know exactly what you're talking about in this post. I'm so proud of things I'm doing now, but I am sure I am well capable of doing more. Not just in exercising, either. In all aspects of life. Thanks for the reminder!

    And, finally, do you realize we've met?! Whitney's shower and wedding. Didn't know if you remembered that or not! ;)

  2. Yes, Cari, I did remember meeting you, I just wasn't sure if you had! =) So, I went the safe route. In reading all the comments on your blog, I thought, "all these people have always been skinny-they don't know what it's like" (no offense, but it's just different).

    Take heart, Cari-it's a lifelong thing, and it's SO WORTH every painful step, every blister, and every exhausted workout. And I'm the last person to say "I've arrived." Because I haven't-I still struggle with my weight emotionally, and I struggle with food emotionally, and God still has work to do with me. But He will get me there, and He will get you there. I'm excited to keep reading about your journey! =)
